Songs by Phil_Schneider S.



    Phil_Schneider S.
    Genre: Americana/Floribbean
    Tempo: Moderate

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    In the city of Key West there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of feral chicken allowed to roam the city.  These birds are protected from molestation by law.  One day I watched a tourist stalking a chicken and how the police acousted the stalker and issue him a warning.  I wondered what would happen if someone happened upon a dead bird as the police came by.

    Dead Chicken Phil Schneider (ASCAP) © 2010 She told me it was over; she asked me to leave. I stepped out on her front porch on Eton Street. I should-a gone home but I was in a deep funk, So, I decided to stop some place so I could get drunk. I headed over towards Duval. It was just a few blocks to all The lights and people and a lot of bars. I stopped at the corner to wait for some cars. As I stood there waitin’ it started to pour. “That’s great!” I said and asked, “What more?” And as if Mother Nature was tryin’ to explain, I spied a dead chicken, in the gutter, in the rain. Chorus: Sometimes life serves up peaches and cream; Sometimes the answers to all of your dreams. Sometimes oysters, caviar and French champagne; Or, sometimes, just a dead chicken, in the gutter, in the rain! A cop rolled up and I heard Him ask what I had done to that sacred bird. I told I had an alibi. He didn’t believe me; said it was a lie. I was taken in but was able to make bail. Now I really needed my favorite cocktail. As I stood at the bar I had to contemplate How my life had been effected by that dead bird’s fate. I’d lost my "chick" and to boot Two weeks pay. That’ll be hard to re-"coop". Then there’s the matter of my self esteem, If you know "egg"-sactly what I mean!(Chorus)

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