Songs by Becca_B B.



    Becca_B B.
    Genre: Americana

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    An homage to the slaves who lived here before me.                                                                                                                                   

    VERSE 1 I see clothes pins holding a sundress of indigo I almost see you with your basket bending low I know the sun baked your face as you hung linen sheets Sheets that never made a bed for you to lay your swollen cheek CHORUS You used to sing mournful, soulful hymns In my home town, when this land was all cotton I can still hear your voice ride on the wind And I promise you, you are not forgotten VERSE 2 Kids now play around abandoned relics of the farm Laughing and climbing and tugging on the wood plow arm That old plow holds memories your family carried Now salted and rusted, broken and half-buried REPEAT CHORUS BREAK REPEAT CHORUS

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