Songs by Claire_Ulanoff U.



    Claire_Ulanoff U.
    Genre: Country
    Tempo: midtempo

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    Like many of the songs I wrote with Will Hopkins, the song came from Will playing some melody on his guitar and the two of us singing lyrics that eventually became a song with Ellen's input.

    THE HEART DON’T LISTEN (Claire Ulanoff/Will Hopkins/Ellen Britton) V1 They all said boy you ain’t got a clue She’s the daughter of a doctor, you’re a trucker’s son Girls like her don’t go for guys like you Go ahead and ask her out, we can laugh about it when you’re done If he’da used his head he’da known they were right But when you’re seventeen, thinking ain’t the first thing on your mind…and Chorus The heart don’t listen, there’s no telling it no The heart don’t listen, it’s got a mind of its own It’s in one ear and out the other It only hears what it wants to You can talk ‘til you’re blue in the face, you won’t get through The heart don’t listen V2 She said yes to a movie and a Tastee Freeze Next thing you know he was showing up every night Before too long she was wearing his high school ring Her daddy started thinking she was messing up her life He said “you’re gonna meet someone when you go off to school You gotta break this thing off now, he’s not good enough for you”…but Chorus Bridge Now eighteen years and three kids later they’re still going strong And every time they kiss goodnight they thank their lucky stars…that Chorus

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