Songs by Nancy Blandford B.



    Nancy Blandford B.
    Genre: Other

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    Nice Try Crista Carnes, Nancy Blandford, Stephen Duncan Had a target on my back all the way there Felt the heat and the sting in every stare No, there’s no days off for the King of Despair Yeah you had me right where you wanted me Back to the wall, in my face, you taunted me Breaking me down to my knees You little devil, you are so naïve! CHORUS Nice try! You woke a sleeping giant Nice try! I’m ready now to fight ya Nice try! What you meant to destroy me It’s bringing down, bringing down, bringing down Heaven’s glory News flash: Heaven won’t take kindly To all you’ve done to maim and blind me Brace yourself, ‘cause the Lion is ready to roar It’s over, poser. Love’s gonna roll you over The end has been written so cower and run The battle may rage but the war has been won CHORUS BRIDGE Don’t you mess with me I am royalty You know, you know Winning's in my family tree

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