Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Pop

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    I was caught up  two songs going on in my head. Yes This Land is our land and American woman. I finally found the lyrics of both cause I don't recall all the words. In my playful came with these lyrics, cause I'm an American woman. It need a redo. Now I can find the ordinary man and group to see what they said about us. I don't wanna mess up my ordinary of idea of what I say about American woman.                                                                                                                                                                           I was going to make it a file 13. I was playing with a few beats I purchased. I said it don't sound that bad. Might need some work. I wrote it. This is who I am as an American woman and how I view American women. 
    Related to these two songs by getting each part good about America and our sassiness stay away from us. 
    Sample: Suno Ai

    Chorus Every boy is looking for an American Girl From Hollywood to Broadway Every boy is looking for American girl From redwood to gulf streams waters If you want to be my boyfriend Its going to have to depend Because all men around the world wants American girl Verse This land is you and me Girls like it where we're sexy and free Girls like wildflower spreading to every field in USA Never know which one you meet There is a Belle (beautiful one ) on every street Repeat chorus Verse America is an endless sky way of hot pilots A golden valley of bouquet of flowers American girls like to have it our way Bathing suits on spring beaches Daisy dukes on the diamond deserts "American woman stay away from me: male voice" " American woman mama stay away from me in a male voice might be better." You better tell us to stay away Repeat Chorus

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