Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Holiday Themed

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    This song remind me when I was a little girl in Catholic school we sung Immaculate Mary and in we sung Ave Maria . I decide to sing about Mary immaculate birth of Jesus. Every Christmas I never try to say Marry Christmas, I say Mary Christ Must. That simple reason Jesus had to show the lost a way to salvation, full fill prophecy, die for the sins of the world, rise for you and me.

    I thought I heard an angel sing Ave Ave Maria The new birth of a king Ave Ave Maria The guide is the star that shines bright Chorus Sound of silver bells The whole world rejoicing Jesus son of God is born The reason for the Christmas cheer Ave Ave Ave Maria Ave Ave Ave Maria Verse 2 Three kings traveled far Ave Ave Ave Maria Out to find the birth of a master Ave Ave Ave Maria He will bring hope to everyone Ave Ave Ave Maria God only one chosen son Bridge Glory to highest mountain Glory to the highest Ave Maria Ava Maria Repeat Chorus

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