Dave J.
Genre: Country
Tempo: Mid Tempo
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I learned quick with songwriting that you can't get anywhere without help. Whether it's someone you know, someone you pay, or whatever, connections are everything. Not to mention mentors on writing.
Dreams Don’t Happen Without Help
Like most kids I was a dreamer.
Thought I could do anything.
Maybe be a rock star singer;
could grow up to be a king (queen).
But the truth really isn’t so simple.
I couldn’t just believe in me.
A fire don’t start without kindle;
the right someone has to agree.
‘Cause dreams don’t happen without help...
Opportunities come from someone else.
We all have to reach out for ourselves,
but dreams don’t happen…. without help.
Takes a friend to lend a guiding hand,
when you can’t do something yourself.
That person who’s willing to take a chance,
when you don’t have anyone else.
Someone shares your vision with you,
they stand right up there by your side.
One who’s willing to work for it too.
They go along with you for the ride.
(Repeat Cho)
Nothin’s gonna happen if you don’t try.
But can’t do it alone, and here is why...
(Repeat Cho)
Yes, we all have to reach out for ourselves, ‘cause dreams don’t happen…. without help.