Songs by Sheryl Collins R.



    Sheryl Collins R.
    Genre: Dance

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    Written rainbow pride                                                                                                                                                               

    Chorus He's in live with a Drag Queen One night he for filled his dreams That I could never compared to the woman He could be He said i couldn't bounce my booty that dude He wore same color eyeshadow blue He buys the same designer shoes He's in love with a Drag Queen One night he fulfilled his dream That I could never compare Verse Its a man's world It all change when a man wants to be a girl I knew the guy wad admiring me So I thought I was wrong I saw him with another someone Everyone laughed cause they knew just who That the girl had a crush wanted me gone It had nothing to do with me once I seen it all Repeat chorus Verse Some boys never change They woke up one morning Decide to be a disco queen Walk like a man my son You hear their father's scold He will never buy some lucky girl a home He's to far in this so he's gone Repeat Chorus Bridge Go ahead disco queen I guess some how I know what you mean Go ahead disco queen Some men are never satisfied with a girl Repeat Chorus

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