Songs by beerandflies M.



    beerandflies M.
    Genre: Other

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    A friend of mine had written a book about Native Americans. She used to hangout with them during her youth. She told me about some events that took place a long ago that shaped Native Americans today, about their customs and forgotten traditions and some linguistics, which I used here. The phrase "as long as rivers flow" means for a very long time.You can google Wounded Knee Massacre or Sun Dance to get a glimpse of what it means here, but I tried to reflect from the NA POV, and only went into a first person at the last verse. Kinda "skin-walk" so to speak.

    Where falling feathers floating fog From looping flights of crows There spirit-shadows guard the ground As long as rivers flow As long as rivers flow But uninvited guests trespass And start their shadow show. The war uproots the Tree of Life Reversing rivers’ flow Reversing rivers’ flow The Chief of Guests says to his men “Let us enforce the law” And sets the reservation camps Along the rivers’ flow Along the rivers’ flow And then Great Spirit leaves to chase The ghost of buffalo, So wounds of Wounded Knee will bleed As long as rivers flow As long as rivers flow By other guests I’m welcomed here, But the value of its lost Until I get one welcome more, The welcome of the host For as long as rivers flow As long as rivers flow As long as rivers flow As long as rivers flow (Initial lyrics) Where falling feathers floating fog From a looping flight of a crow There spirit-shadows guard the ground As long as rivers flow The skin is pierced to honor land’s Rebirth from melted snow The summer spins in the Sun Dance, As long as rivers flow But uninvited guests trespass And start their shadow show. The war uproots the Tree of Life Reversing rivers’ flow The Chief of Guests says to his men “Let us enforce the law” And sets the reservation camps Along the rivers’ flow And then Great Spirit leaves to chase The ghost of buffalo, So wounds of Wounded Knee will bleed As long as rivers flow One wise man says, he has a dream Since a long time ago That ghosts and guests will meet in dance As long as rivers flow By other guests I’m welcomed here, But value of its lost Until I get one welcome more, The welcome of the host For as long as rivers flow

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