Songs by beerandflies M.



    beerandflies M.
    Genre: Other

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

     This song I like myself. The ly words are there intentionally. I think they add to the nostalgic tone and elongate the cadence.     
    The opera singer here is amazing. She took all the directions constructively and did a great job. I replaced the male vox and added new guitars. 

    INTRO The wind blew away a lonely voice in an instant There is no return if my memories die I’d find you if only I knew you’re existent And simply invisible, unrecognizable. I can’t say goodbye Can’t say goodbye V1 The echo will carry you hopelessly, endlessly to the rim of my dreams. Is that a gleam of your gentle reflection in smithereens? Someday the pieces of the reminiscence that imprisoned us The breeze will convey with a whispery resonance I can’t say goodbye Can’t say goodbye Can't say goodbye V2 Maybe I’ll find unsightable traces of yesterday’s name Maybe I won’t be so sad to repeat it again and again A delicate mystery-memory, hopefully, won’t fade away Maybe I’ll see you in the contours of clouds one beautiful day Can’t say goodbye Can't say goodbye V3 Probably I will think what a coincidence and I will walk away Leaving the bouncing sound of an echo reverberating your name You will be lost in precious oblivion, leaving me Leaving me. Yet I’m revealing I’ll always believe in you. V4 Even when mirrors suggest something shapelessly I hear you sighing inside the silver, Slivering softly the death of my memories And nightly escaping my dreams very cautiously I can't Can’t say goodbye Can't say goodbye OUTRO The scent of your skin that my lips touched so tenderly Is finally wastefully missing from memories And the moments with which I was daily beset Chasing sunsets on the fin of a dolphin They try to escape my tormented reality Orange sunlight left skid marks in my eye The wind shook its mane and I whisper “Goodbye….”

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