Songs by beerandflies M.



    beerandflies M.
    Genre: Metal

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    I visited the Pirate museum in Key West.                                                                                                                                                                                    

    V1 Jolly Roger once said to me gently, Dropping anchor of a dangerous notion, That my life and my soul incidentally Are eternally tied to the ocean. When I left my familiar shore, Brazen sailors were screaming “Go ahead!” While mischievous devils ignored Any reasoning I've ever had. Ch I will swallow the winds, I will drink all the waves; I’ll tattoo treasure maps on my torso; I’ll adopt, I’ll adapt, and I’ll find my way; I will live in a sea, and vice-versa. V2 The captain swore and cussed through a prayer, I was drunk and cursed the bloody rain. Salty winds tightly tangled my hair, And untangled the folds of my brain. Gusty gales tore up our sail, Our luck cheated ignorant fate. We were captured and thrown in jail, Some decided to end it as bait. CH I was shackled in chains. I was bleeding and bruised. When my misery started to worsen, I had nothing to lose, so I just cut’em loose, I survived in a sea, and vice-versa. BRIDGE I escaped all the gallows and trials, And I noticed, while being pursued, Skulls on city walls liplessly smiled, They would probably wink if they could. CH I saw Calico Jack put his head through the loop; I saw others on ropes and in hearses. I’ll be back with my crew when we heal and regroup. We will die in the sea, not vice versa! CH I will swallow the winds, I will drink all the waves; I’ll tattoo treasure maps on my torso; I’ll adopt, I'll adapt, and I’ll find my ways; I will live in a sea, and vice-versa.

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