Songs by Mitch Collins C.



    Mitch Collins C.
    Genre: Country/Americana
    Tempo: midtempo

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available


    Soundtrack of my Life V1 Cicadas on a summer night Snapping limb in a tree I climbed The whistling of the wind as I was falling through the air Baseball pops into my glove Playing catch dad showed his love He was a man of few words, but I always knew he cared Croaking bullfrogs down by the lake, my mama laughing at the jokes I’d make Crackling campfires for making smores, listening back on the memories I stored Chorus On the soundtrack of my life, plays in my head all the time I’ve lived the liner notes, cuz the lyrics are the ones I wrote They’re made of the ups and downs, lows and highs Love and loss, wrongs and rights When I hear them, sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry Either way, they’re recorded on the soundtrack of my life Yeah, the soundtrack of my life V2 The first cries my daughter cried, When born into this earthly life Her breathing when she’s sleeping has a rhythm and a tone The voicemail my brother left, The one that I forgot to check Until the day I found out he was never coming home The rumbling of the engine in my first truck, Lynyrd Skynyrd singing turn it up Slamming doors when I was mad as hell, another track for this album I cannot sell Bridge Who I am is made up of every single sound I can't wait to hear the next ones coming round

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