Songs by beerandflies M.



    beerandflies M.
    Genre: Rock

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    I wanted to have fun with different voices. There's a lead voice from the point of view of a potential victim. Then, there's a low pitch voice of an evil voodoo doll master, then, the ominous, high pitch voices of dolls in a part of the chorus.                                                                                                                                                                                   

    INTRO: [low pitch voice] What do voodoo dolls do When we’re asleep? V1 Day’s over when the sun goes down And we, too, go to bed at night When not a sound in the town Then someone moves just out of sight CH: We’ve got little visitors Their hearts are sinister Dolls with eyes made of green glass Searching the house, looking for us Another light goes off tonight they do that so they stay alive! Watch out! (Come here! Come here! [evil high pitch voice]) (spooky giggles) Hide! (Seek! Seek![evil high pitch voice]) Run! (Nowhere![evil high pitch voice]) V2 They creep in and on your bed Leaning over, stealing your breath Leaving you dead, leaving no trace Just another case of sudden death CH: We’ve got little visitors Their hearts are sinister Dolls with eyes made of green glass Searching the house, looking for us Another light goes off tonight they do that so they stay alive! Watch out! (Come here! Come here![evil high pitch voice]) Hide! (Seek! Seek![evil high pitch voice]) Run! (Nowhere![evil high pitch voice]) BRIDGE: [low pitch voice] What do voodoo dolls do When we’re asleep? (spooky giggle) (Haunting sounds) [low pitch voice] I whisper. Only they can hear I’m their wicked puppeteer What I tell them, they will do Pins and needles! Voodoo! Voodoo! CH: We’ve got little visitors Their hearts are sinister Dolls with eyes made of green glass Searching the house, looking for us Another light goes off tonight they do that so they stay alive! Watch out! (Come here! Come here![evil high pitch voice]) Hide! (Seek! Seek![evil high pitch voice]) Run! (Nowhere![evil high pitch voice]) What do dolls do? (Come here![evil high pitch voice])

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