Songs by beerandflies M.



    beerandflies M.
    Genre: Rock

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    We all know at least one of them                                                                                                                                                    

    CH The invisible people-people moving-moving to and fro They don't know where they're coming from They're not sure what their eyes are for So they stay uninformed, uniformed, and conformed The invisible people moving to and fro V1 Happiness is an abstract concept for her She possesses the power of mediocrity, So, she knows that in the color-scale of life She is always gray. To empower herself She calls it “Platinum,” But we know her misery. At times, we all can relate. CH The invisible people moving-moving to and fro They don't know where they're coming from They're not sure what their eyes are for So they stay uninformed, uniformed, and conformed The invisible people moving to and fro V2 Her vocabulary is limited to brands of cereals, To the soap opera series. She thinks it’s serious. She is in a world, where math equals time wasted, All grammar is copy-pasted, and “geography” Is something she can’t pronounce. BRIDGE: But she’ll bounce, If you drop her, So, they will hire her For that quality She is used to inequality So, they move her up They love her for her alacrity So, they keep her. Because mediocrity Is not a threat to Power!!! CH The invisible people moving-moving to and fro They don't know where they're coming from The invisible people moving-moving to and fro They don't know where they're coming from They're not sure what their eyes are for So they stay uninformed, uniformed, and conformed The invisible people moving to and fro

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