Songs by Bryan G G.



    Bryan G G.
    Genre: Americana/Alternative Country/Rock
    Tempo: midtempo

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    This song is written from a truck driver's point-of-view, and incorporates jargon and situations gleaned from pro drivers in my extended family. Most terms are fairly well-known or can be deduced from context:
    Hammer Lane= Left Lane
    Keeping America Moving= industry slogan
    Channel 19= CB radio frequency for hailing drivers
    Driving by Braille= eyes shut, nodding off
    11 Hours=legal limit of on-duty hours before an 8-hour break
    Gators= pieces of tire tread

    BEHIND THE WHEEL INTRO: Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home VERSE 1: Driving I-65 in the hammer lane Pulling a load out of Tennessee I’m “Keeping America Moving” As America rolls past me My granddaddy worked in a coalmine His granddad worked in the fields Ever since Cain struck Able down We've set our shoulders to the wheel But channel 1-9’s gone quiet now The pay ain’t what it used to be Tired of breaking my back to make the rich man richer But I got a kid back home to feed CHORUS: I got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) Get behind the wheel and drive I got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) Get behind the wheel and drive “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” My boy says, “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” VERSE 2: Driving by Braille on the rumble strip Chugging coffee more bitter than beer The logbook says I got to pull over But the sign says “you can’t sleep here” My dispatch tells me to push on All the way to the Alamo “But you never worked a lick past 11 hours If you’re asked by the highway patrol” My back tire hisses like a rattlesnake The jake brake croaks like a toad Sirens go off when the rubber flies Laying down gators in the road CHORUS: I got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) Get behind the wheel and drive I got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) Get behind the wheel and drive “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” My boy says, “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” INTERLUDE: Got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) Got to get behind the wheel (mmm,mmm) VERSE 3: One day the robots will rule the road One day they’ll pump the good earth dry So don’t follow in my footsteps, son If you want to get a piece of the pie When I die don’t spring for a tombstone Just carve my name in a tree I’ll be five miles short of kingdom come Wherever I happen to be CHORUS: Don’t you get behind the wheel, son, no Don’t get behind the wheel and drive Don’t you get behind the wheel, child, no Don’t get behind the wheel and drive “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” “Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, daddy, daddy when you coming home” Don’t you get behind the wheel, no Don’t get behind the wheel and drive Don’t you get behind the wheel, son, no Don’t get behind the wheel and drive

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