Janet D.
Genre: Country
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This is a cheating song. The man finds out that his significant other is cheating and of course is trying to hide what she is doing. At first glance, the song title might lead the listener to anticipate the typical idea that this man finally knows he has fallen in love, but in this song, the man finally admits to himself what he has really known all along, namely that his lover is cheating with another man.
My Heart Knows
Gary Denis and Janet Devers
I can’t believe my eyes
Was that really you?
Lost in his embrace
Don’t know what to do
When the light turned green
I watched you speed away
I felt so sick inside
And no matter what you say
My Heart Knows
Something’s wrong
I’ve had the strangest feeling for so long
Please say, it ain’t so
My mind’s confused, but my heart knows
Remember yesterday when I caught you on the phone
You didn’t see me there
You thought you were alone
I heard, “I love you too”
Then you looked up so surprised
Said, “Mama says hello”
Couldn’t look me in the eyes
Repeat Chorus
How could you do this to me
Couldn’t you find the truth
When you know my whole world’s about loving you!
My heart knows what’s going on
And I guess I really knew it all along
Don’t say, It ain’t so
I’ve faced the truth ‘cause My Heart knows
Oh My Heart Knows