Songs by Janet D.



    Janet D.
    Genre: Country

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    Broken Down Heart Brenda Perry and Janet Devers We started out down in Kentucky In one small ten by twelve room But we didn’t mind we felt lucky To find each other so soon We built our castle together Lived on dreams when life got too hard Now you’re gone and all of my dreams are shattered So whose going to fix my Broken Down Heart! That old rusty pipe is leaking And laundry’s piled up in my way As I patch it I’m thinkin’ This house has seen better days Like when you filled it with laughter And we were never apart I can fix things that are broken But who’se going to fix My Broken-Down heart? Bridge They say that time mends it all I hope it works that way What I wouldn’t give to hold you One more day! Through that old crack in the window I can feel the rain fall inside In the distance I can see a rainbow Promisin’ me better times You said our love’s everlasting So we’re not really apart I’ll just keep holding our memories And pray God will fix my Broken Down heart Tag God you know how much I love her Please, Please fix My Broken Down Heart! -

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