Brad D.
Genre: Country
Tempo: Mid
Additional Notes:
No Notes Available
Problems keep pourin' in like the beer filling his glass..
Pourin’ In
Dawson (brad.dawson@gmail.com)
Verse I
Saw the open sign, hey while I’m here
Figure I’ll stop in for one quick beer
They got drinkin’ songs and neon beer signs
Me and this bar gonna get along fine
Thinkin’ ‘bout the state of my life these days
Order one more beer just to soothe the pain
I’m fillin’ my glass as it’s, low-er-in’
My problems just keep, pouring in...
When I wake up
I say it’s time to change...
But when the day’s up
It don’t mean a thang...
Seems like trouble always follows me
Should I let it pass? Yeah prob-ly
I sit alone at the bar
When I’m out drinkin’
Just me and my thoughts
That I oughta quit thinkin’
My problems just keep..
My problems just keep, pouring in...
Verse II
I’m wanted dead or alive for bills I can’t pay
I owe more to my ex than I’m ever gonna make
Them taxes, Lord I ain’t filed for years
I’ve been using their money to pay for beers
My girls been smiling at her phone for weeks
I think, she’s havin’ more sex than me
Drank all night but I ain’t solved a thing
Cuz’ my problems just keep, pourin’ in...
I should-a’ been home 4 hours ago
Told her I was only goin’ out for smokes
But I ain’t got no smokes, and it’s 3 am
Cuz my problems just kept… pouring in…