Songs by Janet D.



    Janet D.
    Genre: Country/Country-Pop
    Tempo: Ballad

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available


    Driving Down The Road Towards Goodbye Little things, they slip away One by one, from day to day 'Til all at once, you see they're gone Cards and candy, flowers too There's not so many "I love you's" Lately, you seem so withdrawn Climb: Many signs along the way Should have given us a clue We chose to ignore them Now we don't know what to do CHORUS: We're Driin' Down the Road Towards Goodbye There's no exit in sight You used to love to hold me real close Now you don't even kiss me goodnight We're broken like that bridge before us How do we reach the other side Should we start to pray this thing through 'Cause we're drivin' Down The Road Towards Goodbye Empty roads and closed-off lanes Will we ever love again? Remember when we'd cruise 'til dawn Our love's dwindling on the vine Like the flower needing rain in time Is our thirst for love that strong Climb: Many signs along the way Should have given us a clue We chose to ignore them Now we don't know what to do Chorus: We're Drivin' Down the Road Towards Goodbye There's no exit in sight You used to love to hold me real close Now you don't even kiss me goodnight We're broken like that bridge before us How do we reach the other side Should we start to pray this thing through 'Cause we're drivin' Down The Road Towards Goodbye Tag: We better start to pray this thing through "cause we're Drivin' Down the Road towards goodbye

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