Janet D.
Genre: Christian Contemporary (CCM)
Tempo: midtempo
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Kenneth needed a job and Mike and I started praying for him. The next week when we got together to co-write, he said "I have good news" to which I said, "Did you get a job?" He said, "Yes!" and I said, "We have been praying for you. See, prayer changes everything!"
God set it all up so that we could write this song! Thanks be to God!
Prayer Changes Everything
Verse 1:
When life throws a curveball
And you don’t know what to do
Turn to God (Choir sings)
When your world turns upside down
The doctor brought a frown
Turn to God (Choir sings)
Pre Chorus:
Let not your heart be troubled
Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice
For He cares for you
Prayer changes everything
Nothing’s too small; Nothing’s too big
Prayer changes everything
Miracles wait for you
Just reach out to Him
Verse 2:
When your loved ones are lost
And depression overwhelms
Turn to God (Choir sings)
When Financial struggles
Try to tear you down
Turn to God (Choir sings)
Pre Chorus:
Let not your heart be troubled
Rejoice in the Lord, rejoice
For He cares for you
Prayer changes everything
Nothing’s too small; Nothing’s too big
Prayer changes everything
Miracles wait for you
Just reach out to Him
Blessings can be found, wherever you look
Turn your eyes towards Heaven
Answers are waiting in God’s Holy Word
Prayer changes everything
Nothing’s too small; Nothing’s too big for Him
Prayer changes everything
Miracles wait for you
Just reach out to Him
Miracles wait for you!