Songs by Terri Fann F.



    Terri Fann F.
    Genre: Country/Patriotic
    Tempo: mid tempo

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    Dave kicked this one off with this amazing first verse material, and I drafted the second and third verses, and a bridge that expresses exactly how I feel about life, blessings, and freedom, and we refined until it all clicked together. An interesting tidbit is that we changed the title a couple times. The bridge ended up transforming the song and its title to "Free to Believe"

    FREE TO BELIEVE (FEMALE VERSION) Swinford/Fann V1 Cap gun in a plastic holster, crayon picture for a wanted poster Taped on my tree-house door I was the sheriff of my neighborhood chasin’ robbers, thieves and crooks As I rode on my two-wheeled horse I kept the peace 'til suppertime when Mom would call for me Then I'd get back to fighting crime, 'cause I was free to believe V2 Warm May night beneath a full moon, smell of vinyl and rose perfume On a quiet country road We made promises we wouldn’t keep as our shadows danced across the seat 'Bout golden bands and growin' old I was only seventeen, but as far as I could see That first boy was everything, and I was free to believe Free to believe Br In fairy tales, in doing right In lovin' big, in summer nights In justice, and Jesus, and seizing the day In my own way I was free, free to believe V3 Then some years crawled and others soared; I lost a friend in the Iraq war And realized how lucky I'd been Never once thought twice 'bout being safe, growing up in that time and place Free to hope and free to dream And when reality got to hitting hard, I was free to hit my knees To pray to God or wish on stars, 'cause I was free to believe Free to believe Br In fairy tales, in doing right In lovin' big, in summer nights In justice, and Jesus, and seizing the day Like any kid in the USA I was free to believe Free to believe, 512-914-4415

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