Songs by Carol Lester L.



    Carol Lester L.
    Genre: Singer Songwriter/Folk Rock

    Additional Notes:
    No Notes Available

    Watching and listening to young couples in coffee shops working thru issues at varying levels of success and failure                                                                

    Obfuscation by Carol Lester doo doo There's what you said and what I heard (They're not the same) Someone's always getting hurt or growing tired of being blamed Take a deep breath Close my eyes (DIVE Swim thru your muddy waters Scared of what I'll find Obfuscation Broken communication Misdirection Juxtaposed inflections Earnestly You cross your heart (and Draw a map) TO navigate through our false starts and endless circlin' back Kickin up the dirt We risk going blind Let some pretty words Auto correct our minds Obfuscation Broken communication Misdirection Juxtaposed inflections Obfuscation Broken communication Misdirection Juxtaposed inflections

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