Songs by Marvin A.



    Marvin A.
    Genre: Contemporary Country/Country
    Tempo: midtempo

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    No Notes Available

    This song has been written and re-written several times over the past many years. There is nothing more precious than new life.                                                     

    A lovin’ kiss in the mornin’ Like a thousand times before With big blue eyes she’d stand there lookin’ Up at me I love you she’d whisper As I was walkin’ out the door And Lord she’d really mean it I could see Sometimes I’d call her Knowin’ she’d be busy She’d just say I miss you When you comin’ home. And after years of tryin’ She came runnin’ into me. Said we’re gonna have a baby Of our own. She was in her second month When the doctor found the cancer Said we caught it soon enough But we’re gonna need an answer Cause the treatment it will take Could kill the embryo She didn’t even hesitate She just said no That baby girl became your mama A story grandpa told me At least a dozen times When I’d sit with him Oh Lord since we’re talkin’ My grandma’s still doin’ fine So I wanna thank you for that blessin’ Amen

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